Blog about Twitter

Discussions are an essential part of learning. It helps students express their thoughts about a(n) topic/idea. It also helps students understand a topic in depth. Twitter, and Blackboard are new emerging platforms, which can be used as an alternative to traditional in-class discussion. Both have advantages along with some disadvantages. In terms of Twitter we have the issue of 140 characters, which doesn't allow enough characters to elaborate an idea. The great advantage of Twitter is that its a global platform. The hashtag symbol (#) is able to capture millions of users attention allowing the largest discussion among the three option. In addition, twitter users don’t always communicate with people they know but a larger audience and receive widespread comments either positive or negative. Another platform is Blackboard which offers large response space allowing students to elaborate and explain their ideas. The drawback is the user count is low and uses more professional style of writing, while Twitter is more of a informal conversation style. Lastly, we have an in-class discussion, which allows face to face discussions among a group. It is the most often used method for a discussion and I believe it is the most effective. Interacting in person allows individuals to get their ideas across and receive instant feedback. The reason is truly because of the ability to explain your idea to someone verbally and using various types of expression to get your point across. Furthermore, in writing it is far more complicated to express feelings/emotions. The only drawback to in-class discussion is the ability to be discreet, where as Twitter or Blackboard you are able to engage behind a screen. 


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