Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

We live in a era where escaping from reality is the new way of living. Our daily life consists of so much that we rather spend our spare time by ourselves, instead of with others. This is where virtual reality introduces itself. Virtual reality is a computer generated 3-D space, which could be interacted with to act as reality. It can be built to the creators imagination to mimic any space they desire. Virtual reality comes with many advantages along with some disadvantages.

First, lets discuss some advantages. Virtual reality is able to make activities that already exist more engaging or create new activities. These activities include video games which are able to replicate more realistic 3-D space making the players more interested. Virtual reality was used to create Pokemon Go; it became one of most popular mobile game in 2016. Designers created a world of Pokemon which was identical to the players and they were able to interact with each other, while roaming their neighborhood. Virtual reality not only used in video games, but used in R&D to develop new emerging projects just as cars to test their ability in real world. Training programs are now being conducted in virtual reality which cuts costs and are more efficient. Programs like Second Life along with a developers, you are able to create anything you wish to train new employees.With just $1,300 allows you to develop a 3-D space, along with $10,000 to create a small clinic with 20 rooms you are able to perform drills with students or new employees . This is extremely efficient and prepares all students/employees in a case of emergency. Virtual reality can be also used as a way of social life. Sometimes, its more beneficial to spend time with friends rather than away from them. Virtual reality has made this possible by creating a space where users are able to create avatars and socialize with others without stepping a foot outside their home.

Now, lets discuss some disadvantages, we have an issue of isolation. It has been proven that socialization is an important aspect of our daily life and it can help ease the stress. The loss of social skills can have a large negative impact in their life. They often lose sense of reality because they fail to recognize the differences between reality and fantasy. Another key point is that virtual reality doesn't prepare players in adapting and conforming to the regular standards of society, instead they have difficulties taking on real life issues and communicating with others to express their thoughts and ideologies.

Virtual reality fosters creativity in multiple ways. One way is the 3-D images that make the virtual reality world environment seem real, and that grasps players attention. Another way is allows the developers to think beyond the box, and focus on future creations. The future of the virtual world will probably advance in the work field as well as personal usage. Companies can create a live virtual reality settings in order to better equip their employees. 


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