Social networking sites

In today's era, we have various types of social networking sites. As technology advances, increased amount of activities are being performed in social networking sites. Although, there are several sites certain ones such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram are extremely powerful. There are various types of social networking sites to fulfill people’s individual needs. Few examples are social connection, professional, media sharing, educational, and informational.  Facebook, Instagram, Twitter can be grouped together in a social connection. On the other hand we have LinkedIn, which is part of the professional networking sites. Main purpose of all networking sites is to share information among users. Information, which is being shared, depends on the type of networking site it is. Facebook is the most popular networking site of all and connects users all over the world; users may share any information they like among their friend circle or to the public. In the recent years we see many media outlet share news or events that are happening around the globe and users have the option to share that information among others in Facebook. Instagram has a very similar concept except the transfer of information is based on picture sharing. Instagram and Facebook together is a great platform for social media marketing. Producers like to show their product where consumers are more likely to spend majority of their time, which is on social media. Similar to Facebook and Instagram, we have Twitter that is used to share users thoughts on current events or personal events. It gives the users the ability to create an argument or discussion on another users tweet. Now, lets move into LinkedIn, where it’s primarily used to network among professionals. LinkedIn is very famous among the new graduates to market themselves to recruiters. It helps graduates stand out among other thousand applicants. In addition, thousands of employer post jobs in LinkedIn and allows user to apply directly to the employer. This makes the application process much simpler and less stressful. So in contrast we see that this platform is very different in comparison to Facebook and Twitter. 


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