
Showing posts from October, 2017

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

We live in a era where escaping from reality is the new way of living. Our daily life consists of so much that we rather spend our spare time by ourselves, instead of with others. This is where virtual reality introduces itself. Virtual reality is a computer generated 3-D space, which could be interacted with to act as reality. It can be built to the creators imagination to mimic any space they desire. Virtual reality comes with many advantages along with some disadvantages. First, lets discuss some advantages. Virtual reality is able to make activities that already exist more engaging or create new activities. These activities include video games which are able to replicate more realistic 3-D space making the players more interested. Virtual reality was used to create Pokemon Go; it became one of most popular mobile game in 2016. Designers created a world of Pokemon which was identical to the players and they were able to interact with each other, while roaming their neighborhood.

Blog about Twitter

Discussions are an essential part of learning. It helps students express their thoughts about a(n) topic/idea. It also helps students understand a topic in depth. Twitter, and Blackboard are new emerging platforms, which can be used as an alternative to traditional in-class discussion. Both have advantages along with some disadvantages. In terms of Twitter we have the issue of 140 characters, which doesn't allow enough characters to elaborate an idea. The great advantage of Twitter is that its a global platform. The hashtag symbol (#) is able to capture millions of users attention allowing the largest discussion among the three option. In addition, twitter users don’t always communicate with people they know but a larger audience and receive widespread comments either positive or negative. Another platform is Blackboard which offers large response space allowing students to elaborate and explain their ideas. The drawback is the user count is low and uses more professional style of

Social networking sites

In today's era, we have various types of social networking sites. As technology advances, increased amount of activities are being performed in social networking sites. Although, there are several sites certain ones such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram are extremely powerful. There are various types of social networking sites to fulfill people’s individual needs. Few examples are social connection, professional, media sharing, educational, and informational.  Facebook, Instagram, Twitter can be grouped together in a social connection. On the other hand we have LinkedIn, which is part of the professional networking sites. Main purpose of all networking sites is to share information among users. Information, which is being shared, depends on the type of networking site it is. Facebook is the most popular networking site of all and connects users all over the world; users may share any information they like among their friend circle or to the public. In the recent years we

Blog Social Networking

Social networking allows for companies to market off their products, as well as a great recruiting tool. Several people are now able to find jobs and show off their skills through social networks such as Facebook or LinkedIn. These networks allow for communication between users, and exchange information. Brands are able to put advertisement to influence people to buy their products. The article “ Social Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting ” addresses how it much easier to now find jobs, and many people are leaning towards it. It says “ But what really makes  Linkedin  helpful is that it allows users to share their online Rolodexes. Shally Steckerl used to hunt talent for Microsoft and is a leader in online recruiting. With Linkedin, he can find people faster using a vastly increased network of contacts”( Langfitt). The rolodexes allow users to connect with others without having to ask someone if they know someone. It allows people to connect faster, and makes scouting easie
Blog Vs. Wiki Blogs and Wiki’s are great ways to gain information on the Internet. Wiki’s allow users to collaborate, edit, and share information without having a specific leader. According to Wikipedia on Wiki, it says “ A wiki engine is a type of  content management system , but it differs from most other such systems, including  blog software , in that the content is created without any defined owner or leader, and wikis have little implicit structure, allowing structure to emerge according to the needs of the users”. A wiki allows the users to create their own structure. You are able to add information if it is missing or change it if it is incorrect which allows for it to be a collaborative learning environment. However, this also allows for people to enter false information, and therefore wiki changed their methods they told users to add citations so there information is accurate. According to the New York Times article “ Wikipedia to Limit Changes to Articles on People” s